Hi! My name is Jesse and I'm from Westboro, Wisconsin. I enjoy all kinds of woodworking from furniture to timber framing to bowl turning and spoon carving.
Why The Sawdust Society?
Perhaps like you, I was around in the earlier days of Instagram and enjoyed participating in the vibrant woodworking community on the platform. Over time though I've become increasingly frustrated with the amount of advertising and peripheral content being pushed into my IG feed. These days I can hardly tell what is content from people I follow vs. advertisements vs. suggested content.
Instead of enjoying the creative process with likeminded individuals I feel a sense of dread creep in as I am pressured to buy the latest aluminum wallet, or hair ointment, or learn why EVERY MAN SHOULD AVOID EATING BANANAS!! because surely my life isn't complete until I do so, right?
This pattern repeats itself across other platforms (all of which shall remain nameless... ahem, facebook, youtube, twitter) so I decided to set up a space where I can get back to what I enjoyed about the early days on Instagram: community around shared interest.
Sure this space doesn't have the same features as Instagram but I'm not worried about that. We don't need a dozen different filters to share the joy of making something with our hands. Those of us who understand... we get it.
I intend on keeping this running, even if it means I'm the only one posting. It would be cool if we could start talking again though. Hopefully the underlying expenses remain reasonable and we can keep the plague of advertising at bay and encourage one another in our craft.